史上最全社会科学数据库, 唯一的一份
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Interuniversity Consortium for Politicaland Social Research (ICPSR): Datasets on China
Links to studies on China in social andbehaviroal sciences. Along with the data sets to download that usually come invarious forms, it provides the description of the empirical study, methodology,publications, variables of the dataset, and access to the data (open to generalpublic/registration only etc.)
Peking University Open Research Data/北京大学开放研究数据平台
Hosts data sets of major national surveysin China (CFPS,CHARLS, CLHLS, and BAS), web crawled data, GIS data, andbioinformatic databases.
Barometer on China's Development/中国发展数据库
Includes social, economic, political andother indicators about 333 prefectures and 2,862 counties. Parameters of thedatabase range from anthropology, demography, ecology, economics, education,geography, history, public administration, political science, social work, tosociology.
Chinese National Survey Data Archive(CNSDA)/中国国家调查数据库
Hosts data sets from major longitudinal andcross-sectional studies in mainland China on social, economic and politicaltopics, such as the Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS). Supported by theNational Survey Research Center, Renmin University of China.
China Biographical Database Project (CBDB)/中国历代人物资料传记
The China Biographical Database is a freelyaccessible relational database with biographical information aboutapproximately 360,000 individuals as of April 2015, primarily from the 7ththrough 19th centuries.
China Historical GIS/地图历史
The China Historical Geographic InformationSystem, CHGIS, project was launched in January 2001 to establish a database ofpopulated places and historical administrative units for the period of Chinesehistory between 221 BCE and 1911 CE. CHGIS provides a base GIS platform forresearchers to use in spatial analysis, temporal statistical modeling, andrepresentation of selected historical units as digital maps.
National Data, National Bureau ofStatistics of China/国家统计局国家数据
NBSC (National Bureau of Statistics ofChina) manages national statistical work and national economic accounting, anddata they collected is a base for government administration and scientificdecision making. Besides providing links to data from each Central Ministriesand Commissions, NBSC itself hosts data in six categories: monthly data,seasonal data, annual data, census data, regional data, and international data.
NBSC Monthly Data
Shanghai Library Open Data Platform/上海图书馆数据开放平台
Publishes various terminology vocabularies,standard files, bibliographic data as well as data cleaning and conversiontools to the Internet in the form of Linked Open Data. Provides a variety ofdata consumption interface for developers.
Taiwan Government Data/台湾政府资料开放平台
Free downloadable administrative dataorganized by institutions, regions, service sectors, file formats etc.
Hong Kong Government Data Portal/香港资料一线通
Provides free administrative data from 17public sectors to download. Maintained by the Office of the Government ChiefInformation Officer.
Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economyand Informatization/上海市经济和信息化委员会
Government site that offers free data onShanghai's social and economic development.
Shanghai Government Data Portal/上海市政府数据服务网
Free administrative data from 12 publicsectors to download. Led by the general office of Shanghai Municipal People'sGovernment and Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatization.
Beijing City Lab/北京城市实验室
Worldwide research groups that releasehigh-quality free geospatial micro-data and maps for research purposes. Focuson, but not limited to, the urban planning and governance in Beijing.
Terra Populus
Produces custom extracts of microdata,area-level data and raster data with spatial and temporal dimensions describingpeople and their environment. China data included. Partership among Universityof Minnesota, Columbia University, University of Michigan, and University ofNew Mexico.
Produces custom extracts of censusmicrodata for social and economic research. China data included.
The China Archive/中国数据
An archive of data on China and China-U.S.relations in demographic, geo-spatial, political, social and economic areas.Provides downloadable datasets, documentations and links to related sites.
China Data Center/密歇根大学中国信息研究中心
Lists historical, social and naturalscience data on China in a geographic information system. Sponsored by severalresearch insitutions at the University of Michigan.
Harvard Dataverse: Dataverses on China
Links to dataverses on the topic of, orincludes, China that are hosted by various institutions, research groups andindividual researchers. Dataverse hosts datasets from numerous sources toshare, publish and archive.
Center for Social Survey/中山大学社会科学调查中心
Hosts several longitudinal andcross-sectional surveys on employment, labor, family and youth conducted by theCenter and provides downloadable data and documemtations.
Business and Finance
All China Marketing Research(ACMR)/华通人
Provides China's macro- and microeconomicdata for purchase.
GTA Financial and Education Group/国泰安
Supplies financial data for purchase onChina's stock market, corporates, fond market, bond market, futures market;also provides economic and industry data.
State Administration of Foreign Exchange/国家外汇管理局
Provdes both online cross-tabulation queryand downloadable data on 16 categories, including China's foreign changereserves, balance of payments, external debt, international investment, goodsand services trade, foreign securities investment, external debt of China 'sbanking industry, bank settlement and sales, etc.
People's Bank of China/中国人民银行
Provides downloadable data organized byyear (1999-2016) and category (Aggregate Financing to the Real Economy, Moneyand Banking Statistics, Sources And Uses of Credit Funds of FinancialInstitutions, Corporate Goods Price Indices etc. ).
TuShare Financial Data Interface/TuShare财经数据包接口
TuShare is a free, open source Pythonfinancial data interface package. It collects and stores stocks and otherfinancial data.
Ministry of Finance/财政部
Provides summary statistics and reports onpublic finances, taxes, debts etc.
Hong Kong Commerce and Industry Data/香港工商业数据
Provides aggreagte administrative data andreports to download in various formats (csv, xls, pdf etc.) on Hong Kong'scommerce and industry performance.
Hong Kong Finance Data/香港财经数据
Provides aggreagte administrative data andreports to download in various formats (csv, xls, pdf etc.) on Hong Kong'sbusiness and financial segment.
Hong Kong Monetary Authority/香港金融管理局
Lists in table the GDP, labor market, priceindices, government debt, government operations, interest rate, stock market,balance of payments, international reserves, merchandise trade, internationalinvestment position, external debt, exchange rate etc. The "morestatistics" link provides either downloadable data or an external site todownload and view more.
Shenzhen Stock Exchange/深圳证券交易所市场数据
Online and downloadable market data onstocks, funds and fonds, and indices.
Shanghai Stock Exchange/上海证券交易所
Online data on market overview, indices,data on stock market, funds, bonds etc.
China Financial Futures Exchange/中国金融期货交易所
Online table of market data organized bydaily/weekly/monthly data, delivery data, product statistics, and turnover andposition.
Business and Commerce Information Center/商务数据中心
Provides online data query in national andinternational trade, foreign investment, utilization of foreign capital,commodity prices, national and international indexes etc. Offers subcategoricalfilters such as commodity, commercial activities, format, region, and time.
China Securities Regulatory Commission/中国证券监督管理委员会
Provides monthly and weekly data ofsecurities and futures market. Data include securities and futures marketsummary by exchange locations and product categories, financing, stock transactions,futures transactions.
National Economy
First Enterprise Census (1996)/第一次基本单位普查
Summary statistics on enterprises byindustry and economic status.
Third Industrial Enterprises Census (1995)/第三次工业普查
Summary statistics on the industrialenterprises by regions.
First Tertiary Industry Census (1993)/第一次三产普查
Summary statistics on the staffcomposition, institutions, and output in the tertiary industry.
Economic Census/经济普查
Provides downloadable aggregate data andonline documentation on industrial enterprises, technology enterprises, andtertiary industry.
Second Research and Development ResourcesInventory (2009)/第二次R&D资源清查
Summary statistics on research funds, staffcomposition, institutions, patents and output.
First Agricultural Census (1996)/第一次农业普查
Comprehensive summary statistics on ruralarea population and township enterprise employees.
Population Census/人口普查
Provides downloadable aggregate data andonline documentation.
Hong Kong Government Socioeconomic Data
Provides aggreagte administrative data andreports to download in various formats (csv, xls, pdf etc.) .
Shanghai Government Socioeconomic Data/上海市政府数据
Provides downloadable administrative dataon socioeconomic segments.
Civil Aviation Administration of China/中国民用航空局
Monthly summary statistics onTransportation and Production since 2005.
Ministry of Transport/交通运输部
Summary statistics since 2007 on highwayand waterway transportation, including highway and waterway passenger tranffic,highway and waterway freight traffic, port cargo and passenger throughput, andinvestmentin fixed assests.
Ministry of Civil Affairs/民政部
Summary statistics on social welfare since2007 on national, provincial and prefectural levels.
China Earthquake Administration/国家地震局
Administrative data since 1994 on staffcomposition and operations of China Earthquake Administration.
China National Tourism Administration/国家旅游局
Summary statistics and reports since 2006on visitors, tourism revenues, operations etc.
Ministry of Industry and InformationTechnology/工业和信息化部
Summary statistics of CommunicationsIndustry, Electronic Information Industry, and Software Industry.
Dynamic Statistics, Ministry of HumanResources and Social Security/人力资源和社会保障部
Downloadable aggregate data on employmentand welfare since 2013.
Hong Kong Development Data/香港发展数据
Provides aggreagte administrative data andreports to download in various formats (csv, xls, pdf etc.) on Hong Kong's deveopmentsituations.
Ministry of Commerce/商务部
Provides statistics and reports on foreigninvestment, international trade, import and export indicators etc.
Downloadable data on GDP, industrial addedvalue, CPI, PPI, PMI, urban fixed assests investment, total retail sales ofsocial consumer goods, consumer confidence index, real estate development andsales, currency supply, new credit, deposit reserve, foreign exchange reserve,customs import and export, Yiwu China commodity index etc. Can sort bypublishing date. Offers other data by subscription.
General Administration of Customs/海关总署
China Family Panel Studies(CFPS)/中国家庭追踪调查
A nationally representative, annuallongitudinal survey of Chinese communities, families, and individuals launchedin 2010 with a focus on the economic and well-being of the Chinese population.Topics include economic activities, education outcomes, family dynamics andrelationships, migration, and health.
Chinese Longitudinal Healthy LongevitySurvey(CLHLS)/中国老年健康影响因素跟踪调查
A longitudinal national survey on healthyaging and family studies. Data available from 1998, 2000, 2002, 2005,2008-2009, and 2011-2012.
China Health and Retirement LongitudinalStudy (CHARLS)
CHARLS collects a high quality nationallyrepresentative sample of Chinese residents aged 45 and older and theindividuals are followed up every two years.
China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS)
CHNS is an ongoing open cohort which aimsto examine the effects of the health, nutrition, and family planning policiesand programs implemented by national and local governments and to see how thesocial and economic transformation of Chinese society is affecting the healthand nutritional status of its population.
China Household Finance Survey (CHFS)/中国家庭金融调查
Nationally representative survey in Chinaon household finance and assets, including housing, business assets, financialassets, and other household assets. The survey also has information aboutincome and expenditures, social and commercial insurance, and much more.
Beijing Area Study (BAS)/北京社会经济发展年度调查
An annual cross-sectional study on Beijingresidents' values, attitudes, beliefs, opinions, and expectations in the socialand economic life. The study draws on the Detroit Area Study and General SocialSurvey.
Panel Study of Family Dynamics (PSFD) / 华人家庭动态资料库
The panel studied relationships andbehaviors of the the families Chinese families across Taiwan Strait since 1999.
Zhang Letian Fieldwork Database/张乐天联民村数据库
Provides rich data from years' fieldwork inLianmin Village, a small village in Haining, Zhejiang Province. It includesnarratives, photos and videos from interviews with village members, as well ashousehold accounts, accounting books, and historical documents on productionand land reform.
Chinese Health and Family Life Survey
The study produces a baseline set ofresults on sexual behavior and disease patterns, using a nationallyrepresentative probability sample.
Social Network and Job Search in LargeChinese Cities (Guangzhou, 2009)/中国大城市社会网与求职调查(广州)
Part of the larger project of socialnetwork and job search on five cities initiated by Yanjie Bian at MinnesotaUniversity. The Guangzhou survey is led by Sun Yat-Sen University.
Urban Migrant Worker Survey/城市农民工调查数据库
A survey on migrant workers to the citieson the topics of migration experience, current living conditions, interpersonalrelationships, social participation, future plans, and informal employmenthistory. Launched in 2006 and followed up in 2008 and 2009.
Life Histories and Social Change inContemporary China, 1996
A national probability sample surveyconducted in PR China in 1996 in both urban and rural areas as part of theproject "Life Histories and Social Change in Contemporary China," Asurvey of village leaders was also carried out using the same questionnaire.The site provides access to the data, bibliography, and codebooks to the studyas well as the online analysis.
Spiritual Life Study of Chinese Residents
A random sample of Chinese citizens ontheir religious and spiritual life. Data collected in 2007.Funded by The JohnTempleton Foundation.
Social media
Open Weiboscope Data Access/微博镜像
A data collection and visualization projectaimed to make censored Sina Weibo posts of a selected group of Chinesemicrobloggers publicly accessible.
Chinese Keywords/中国关键词
A set of sensitive Chinese keywords relatedto the Chinese Communist party, pornography, dissident material,violence/terrorism, censorship, etc. These keywords may be helpful toresearchers who are searching for sensitive content in Chinese or testing fornetwork interference. Data is largely collected from social media like Tencent,Weibo, LINE, etc.
Douban Book Rating Data/豆瓣图书评分数据
Crawled totally 383, 033 unique users and89, 908 unique books with 13, 506, 215 book ratings from douban.com, thelargest book review website in China. Users and books in this data set arerepresented by anonimized numeric identifiers and separated by “\t”.
Certification User List of Sina Microblog/新浪微博认证用户列表
Crawled from verified.weibo.com containingcategory and user information.
Hong Kong IT and Broadcasting Data/香港资讯科技及广播
Provides aggreagte administrative data andreports to download in various formats (csv, xls, pdf etc.) on Hong Kong's ITand Broadcasting information.
Political sciences
The Asian Barometer Survey (ABS)
National probability sample surveysconducted on East Asian democratization in around twenty East and South Asiancountries over four waves. Topics include political participation, electoralmobilization, democratic versus authoritarian values etc.
China Vitae/中国名人录
A centralized repository of biographicalinformation on China's top leadership. A resource of biographical informationon more than 5000 Chinese leaders in government, politics, the military,education, business, and the media.
Chinese Keywords/中国关键词
A set of sensitive Chinese keywords relatedto the Chinese Communist party, pornography, dissident material,violence/terrorism, censorship, etc. These keywords may be helpful toresearchers who are searching for sensitive content in Chinese or testing fornetwork interference. Data is largely collected from social media like Tencent,Weibo, LINE, etc.
Public Awareness on EnvironmentalProtection in China (1998)/全国公众环保意识调查
A multilevel and multi-stage sample ofprobabilities proportional to size on public awareness on environmentalprotection.
Attitudes towards Citizenship in China/中国公民意识调查
A multilevel and multi-stage sample ofprobabilities proportional to size on the following topics: the public'sattitude towards the reform and opening up; the public's evaluation of thegovernment's public services; the core values of the citizens' awareness; thepublic's political participation; public awareness and evaluation of China'sdemocratic construction; the public's confidence in China's future politicaland economic development and so on.
Institutionalization of Legal Reforms inChina (2003)/公民法制道德观念调查
A study on China's urban and ruralresidents‘ ideological and moral values, legal awareness, market awareness, thereasons behind the changes, and the impact on China's modernization.
Public health
Chinese Medicine Sciences Data Center,National Scientific Data Sharing Platform for Population and Health/中医药学科学数据中心, 国家人口与健康科学数据共享平台
A data center consisting of more than 100databases on traditional Chinese medicine, terminology, disease prevention,historical documents, and acupuncture methods.
Chinese Mental Health Database/中国人心理状况数据库
The database includes three sub-databaseswhich separately assesses students' psychiatric symptoms, adults' psychiatricsymptoms, and social behaviors in shools. Online analysis freely available.
National Physique and Health Database/国民体质与健康数据库
Built upon a series of snapshots andrelated tracking surveys on national physique and health conditions. Onlineanalysis freely available.
Public Health Science Data Center/公共卫生科学数据中心
Provides data on various diseases.
National Scientific Data Sharing Platformfor Population and Health/人口与健康科学数据
The platform complies data sets anddatabases on basic medicine, clinical medicine, public health, traditionalChinese medicine, pharmacy, population and reproductive health, etc.
Biologic Medicine Information Center,National Scientific Data Sharing Platform for Population and Health/基础医学科学数据中心, 国家人口与健康科学数据共享平台
Focuses on the topic of health and diseasesfor basic medical research.
Hong Kong Health Data/香港卫生数据
Provides aggreagte administrative data andreports to download in various formats (csv, xls, pdf etc.) on Hong Kong'shealth information.
Shanghai Public Health Data/上海市卫生健康数据
Provides administrative data and reports onheath information of Shanghai City.
Environmental studies
Beijing City Lab/北京城市实验室
Worldwide research groups that releasehigh-quality free geospatial micro-data and maps for research purposes. Focuson, but not limited to, the urban planning and governance in Beijing.
Fudan University Energy Flows and CarbonEmissions Dataverse/复旦大学能源流向与碳排放数据库
Hosts data and documents from China CoalFlow and Potential Carbon Emission Factor Database, Provincial Energy SourceDiversification Database, GHG Inventory Database, Global Energy and CarbonEmissions Data Set, and Fudan Energy Action.
China Dimensions Data Collection
Provides a unique data collection that hasbeen designed to facilitate a wide range of natural science and socioeconomicresearch and educational activities.
Shanghai Environment and Resources Data/上海市资源环境数据
Provides administrative data and reports onenvironment of Shanghai City.
China Education Panel Survey/中国教育追踪调查
The purpose of this survey is to uncoverthe influene of family, school, community and society on personal educationoutput. It futher explores the process that education output works inindividual's life course.
Survey on Teenager Science Learning/青少年科学学习调查数据库
The survey studied the junior high schoolstudents at city public or private schools. Topics include: teenagers'knowledge and interest in science, family backgrounds, educational andoccupational expectations, religious beliefs, peer groups, and environmentalawareness.
Statistics from Ministry of Education ofPeople's Republic of China/中华人民共和国教育部教育统计数据网
Provides free administrative data from1999-2003.
Hong Kong Education Data/香港教育数据
Provides aggreagte administrative data andreports to download in various formats (csv, xls, pdf etc.) on Hong Kong'seducation segment.
Shanghai Edudcation and Technology Data/上海市教育科技数据
Provides administrative data and reports oneducation and technology of Shanghai City.
National Earth SystemScience Data Sharing Infrastructure/国家地球系统科学数据共享平台
Provides data onChinese and typical regional earth surface process and man-earth relationship,global change and regional responsive comprehensive integrated data product,solar-terrestrial system and space environment.
National ClimateCenter Data/气候数据
Provides data onclimate monitoring and diagnosis, climatic prediction, climate impactassessment, disaster risk management, climate change studies.
Chinese NationalArctic and Antarctic Data Center/中国南北极数据中心
Provides free data onpolar oceanography, polar solar-terrestrial physics, polar glaciology, polarresources and environmental science, polar biology and ecology, polar geographyand geodesy, polar geology and geophysics, and polar atmospheric sciences.
Data Center ofMinistry of Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China/环境保护部数据中心
Contains data onadministrative information of Ministry of Environmental Protection,environmental quality, pollution prevention and treatment, assessment on environmentalinfluence, environmental regulations, natural ecology, technology standards,environmental protection industry, radiation safety management, quantity ofpollutant discharge, environmental monitoring, water project, historical data,etc.
Hong Kong EnvironmentData/香港环境
Provides aggreagteadministrative data and reports to download in various formats (csv, xls, pdfetc.) on Hong Kong's envrionmental conditions.
Hong Kong Climate andWeather Data/香港气象
Provides aggreagteadministrative data and reports to download in various formats (csv, xls, pdfetc.) on Hong Kong's climate and weather.
Resources andEnvironmental Science Data Center/中国科学院资源环境科学数据中心
Macro and micro dataon resources and environment, including long-term observation data in the field,lab experiment data, social and economic empirical data, and remote sensingdata, etc.
China MeteorologicalData Network/中国气象数据网
Providesmeteorological data for download.
China Earthquake DataCenter/地震数据共享
The main body and coreof Earthquake data sharing project.
National ComprehensiveEarth Observation Data Sharing Platform, The National Remote Sensing Center ofthe Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China/国家综合地球观测数据共享平台
Provides globalsatellite cataloging, selected satellite remote sensing data and a collectionof other scientific data sets.
Chinese AstronomicalData Center/中国虚拟天文台
Provides domesticastronomical data sets and solar data sets.
Global Land Cover
Provides informationfor understanding the complex interactions between human activities and globalchange.